Ring in the New Year on the Right Business Note

Ring in the New Year on the Right Business Note

Business Development

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

510 week ago — 3 min read


The start of a year is always exciting. It’s a time of renewal, making fresh determinations and setting new targets. As a business owner, it is a good time to take stock of the previous year and ensure that the forthcoming one is bigger, better and brighter.


Here are a few tips to optimise your business in the New Year:


  • Set business growth projections
    Assess your projections for next year and be sure to map appropriately in each segment of the budget. Ask yourself questions like: Do you have enough staff to meet the revenue goals? Do you require a bigger office space? Can your customer service handle the increased number in clients?


  • Communicate with your employees
    The year end is a great time to reflect on the company's performance, discuss hurdles and accomplishments and plan for the year ahead. Maybe you have new ideas for the roadmap of the business. It's important to share your ideas with your employees. Plan a Christmas or New Year party and before the revelry begins, have an informal chat with your staff about the road ahead.


  • Make sure your website is up-to-date
    It's very important to keep your website updated as it is the digital interface for your company. Often when one is very busy with work, the website gets neglected and sometimes even important information like change in phone number, address or twitter handle is not updated. Make sure that before the year starts, your website is up-to-date!


  • Appraise the company's technology
    Review how employees have been using existing systems. Keep track of the software being purchased and used. Ensure that all systems have valid anti-virus protection software in place. Consider replacing any unused systems in the coming year.


  • Seek inspiration
    As an entrepreneur, it is crucial that you are inspired and motivated to lead your team. Travelling often leads to fresh ideas and broadens one’s horizons. So pack your bags and take a short vacation…it might just give you the creative boost you need at the start of the year!


  • Make goals
    Make actionable goals for the coming year and break them down to monthly targets. Create a specific action plan for each department of your company – finance, creative, marketing, customer service etc.


  • Experience, Explore & Leverage GlobalLinker
    Start the New Year on the right note. Start leveraging every module in this fantastic solution that promises you the Big Business Advantage. GlobalLinker will help you grow your network, streamline your business, enjoy special deals and privileges, design your website and have access to a wealth of business knowledge and expert opinions.



The New Year is the time to put your best foot forward and work with renewed vigour in every aspect of your business. We hope that you have the most meaningful and prosperous 2015!



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GlobalLinker Staff

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