How can you become a better business writer?

How can you become a better business writer?

Leadership & Management

Geet Jalota

Geet Jalota

395 week ago — 3 min read

Good writing is a key skill which can be learnt. Effective communication is dependent not so much on language as it on an ability to frame the matter appropriately. Even good communicators can sometimes get stuck when they have to write unfamiliar material – a circular or a proposal.  At such times, words fail especially if they involve legalities, or unfamiliar technical details. 


There is a sure fire formula to help leaders cross this hurdle. AIDAS formula traditionally used in advertising communications where AIDAS is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action and Satisfaction. 


Here is the formula rewritten for communicating effectively. 


Starting the communication with a dynamic opening statement that grabs the reader’s attention. If your words are ones which touch the heart, the eye or the head, you have made a good beginning. A stereotyped beginning cannot hold the reader’s interest long enough for you to make your point. Sustain their interest by describing a word picture of the problem which is the subject matter of your writing. Use industry lingo or facts and figures here to make it easy for the reader to understand. 


Next, follow it up by detailing the solution, making sure that it is the reader’s desire that you fulfill, highlighting features of the solution which directly link with the problem described above. The temptation here will be to give features you think are cool. Resist! Remember it is the reader who is the customer of the communication. 


Finally, action is what you want the reader to take, therefore state what you want, in clear terms, preferably in bullet points. Close your communication by giving information or fall back options which puts the reader’s fears at rest.


Remember AIDAS conquers writing fears! Watch this video to learn how to become a better business writer:

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker.

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